the open Data Manager

_ #datadayZH
_ Volkshaus Zürich
_ Oleg Lavrovsky

Every nurse ought to be careful to wash her hands very frequently during the day.
If her face, too, so much the better.

― Florence Nightingale

♂ 175cm 71kg ⌂ Köniz, BE
Activist @Open
Student @School of

Today's menu

1 ☆ Open knowledge
2 ☆ Data literacy
3 ☆ Mega trends

What is openness ?

“A piece of content or data is open if anyone is free to use, reuse, and redistribute it - subject only, at most, to the requirement to attribute and share-alike."

“Wissen ist offen, wenn jedeR darauf frei zugreifen, es nutzen, verändern und teilen kann – eingeschränkt höchstens durch Maßnahmen, die Ursprung und Offenheit des Wissens bewahren."


What is literacy ?

standards: DCAT OData RDF..
formats: CSV JSON OpenGIS..
tools: D3 R SciPy OR..
portals: CKAN DKAN CERN..
skills: scraping dataviz..


How to manage your data ?


How to get your data noticed ?

  1. \\ //
  2. Amt
  3. \\ Kanton //
  4. Korporation
  5. Gemeinde
  6. Quartier
  7. KMUs
  8. NGO

  9. Zivilgesellschaft
  10. Privatpersonenundsoweiter

What data is actually wanted ?


What data is actually needed ?

Closing thoughts

What cruel mistakes are sometimes made by benevolent men and women in matters of business about which they can know nothing and think they know a great deal.   ― Florence Nightingale

This HTML slideshow by Oleg Lavrovsky is licensed under
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.
Each image used is linked to an authoritative source:
please check the respective terms governing reuse.

@loleg |