class: center, middle background-color: white
## Python in the service of
the open data community #### >>> Python/Django User Group Bern
datetime.datetime(2017, 6, 30)
--- class: center, middle ###
# a warm, relaxing welcome
#### Take a moment to look around you, observe the environment
and all the other friendly people sharing this space with us. #### *Please enjoy [60 seconds]( of contemplation.* --- class: center, middle
--- class: center, middle, titleslide [![](infrastructure/CH-000001-5GS-ZBINDEN-A-705.png)]( ## unconditional,basic,data --- class: center, middle #### *Lifecycle of the data wrangler.*
--- class: center, middle #### *Dream of the data wrangler.*
--- class: center, middle [
]( --- class: center, middle [
]( --- class: center, middle [
]( --- class: center, middle, large Sources Pipes Discovery Design Ownership Accessibility Usability + Uptime --- ## Secure + open data sources
> FOAG + canton Bern, SFOE via [GeoAdmin](,ch.bfs.gebaeude_wohnungs_register,ch.bav.haltestellen-oev,ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-wanderwege,ch.blw.emapis-wasserversorgung,ch.bfe.kleinwasserkraftpotentiale&layers_visibility=false,false,false,false,true,true&layers_timestamp=18641231,,,,,&X=199562.60&Y=596866.53&zoom=5) --- class: center, middle background-color: white [![](]( ### # side note: GIS in Python rocks.. --- background-color: #fafafa class: imagefill, bottom background-image: url(python/ckan.png) e.g. [](, [](, [Stadt Zürich](, []( ... [etc.]( --- class: imagefill background-image: url(infrastructure/opendataswiss-security.png) --- class: center [
]( e.g. [](, []( --- class: imagefill background-image: url(infrastructure/opendataindex.png) --- class: imagefill background-image: url('infrastructure/empfehlungen.png') --- class: middle #### # QQ: how do you load data into your web site? e.g. [pelican-loadcsv]( vs. [handsontable]( vs. something else?.. --- class: center, middle [
]( # WIP: [blemmy]( --- ## Shared resources and spaces
> [Martyn Smith]( CC BY 2.0 --- class: imagefill, bottom background-image: url('')
[Dribdat]( Photo by [@M2M_in_Action]( at [Swisscom IoT Hackathon](
--- [
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--- class: center, middle [![](infrastructure/handbook_embed_architecture.svg)]( ---
--- ## Design
--- [
]( --- ## Ownership
Check out [Datacentral]( --- class: imagefill background-image: url('infrastructure/foodhackdays.png') --- ## Accessibility
--- class: imagefill background-image: url('infrastructure/goodtables.png') --- ## Usability
--- [
]( --- ## Uptime ... The kind of projects we need to work on more. --- class: imagefill background-image: url(infrastructure/odicloudflare.png) ---
See also:
DataRefuge Workflow
--- class: imagefill, bottom, center background-image: url(infrastructure/datproject.png)
See also [datpy](
--- class: keypoint, center, middle background-image: url('infrastructure/2017-05-23 16.16.28.jpg') --- class: center, middle background-color: white
This image was made using Google's new [AutoDraw]( A.I. experiment, which you can [read about here]( While I have no way of being certain right now, it's likely that at least parts of it were written in Python, the native language of [TensorFlow]( --- class: center, middle [
]( # Thank you! --- class: center, middle [
]( # Thank you! --- class: keypoint, center, middle background-image: url('infrastructure/2017-05-23 16.16.28.jpg')
This presentation by Oleg Lavrovsky is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Your feedback will be most welcomed via []( and otherwise.