I->>You: Attention You->>Simile: Data Simile->>You: Information You->>I: Knowledge I->>You: <3 Simile-->>I: Open Data I->>You: Information I->>You: Knowledge You->>I: <3
class: center, middle, titleslide # Open Data ## BFH CAS DA ### 17.1.19 --- class: center, middle, large Hello, World! --- class: bottom, center ## 5 seconds _Achtsamkeit._ --- # Ziele 1. Die Möglichkeiten von global verfügbarer Daten. 1. Relevanz von Daten in einer zunehmend digitalisierten Welt * für ein globales Wissenssystem * für Ökonomie und Wirtschaft 1. Öffentlich zugängliche Daten 1. Open Data in der Schweiz 1. Open Data nutzen: Gruppenarbeit --- class: middle, center # 5 seconds --- class: center ![](https://image.slidesharecdn.com/onadeckchicagofinal-140926103435-phpapp01/95/a-data-state-of-the-union-can-we-make-quality-pay-online-9-638.jpg?cb=1412085032) -- [A Data State of the Union](https://www.slideshare.net/chartbeat/ona-deck-chicagofinal-39570426), Tony Haile, Chartbeat --- class: imagefill, center, bottom background-size: contain background-color: white background-image: url(https://cdn.inquisitr.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/David-Cameron-to-amend-relations-with-Trump.jpg) _[David Cameron's Transparency Revolution](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2361428) / [What Obama Did for Tech](http://www.govtech.com/data/What-Obama-Did-for-Tech-Transparency-and-Open-Data.html)_ --- class: imagefill, center, bottom background-size: contain background-color: white background-image: url(http://cdn-europe1.new2.ladmedia.fr/var/europe1/storage/images/europe1/international/un-ancien-majordome-de-trump-parle-de-tuer-obama-2744017/27062344-1-fre-FR/Un-ancien-majordome-de-Trump-parle-de-tuer-Obama.jpg) _[President Signs Government-wide Open Data Bill](https://www.datacoalition.org/press-releases/president-signs-government-wide-open-data-bill/) (15.1.2019)_ --- class: center, middle, large *„Die grösste Stärke des Menschen ist es, alle neuen Informationen so zu interpretieren, dass die vorangehenden Aussagen gültig bleiben.“* --Warren Buffet via [Rolf Dobelli](http://www.dobelli.com/de/essays/news-diat-full/) --- class: center background-color: white ![](img/seeing-theory.png)
-- [Seeing Theory](http://www.seeingtheory.io), Daniel Kunin & al., Brown University
--- class: center, middle, large *„Eine Überfülle an Information ist kein nebensächliches Problem. Große Mengen an Rohdaten bilden eine politische Tatsache.“*
-- [Richard Sennett](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Informations%C3%BCberflutung)
--- class: imagefill, center, bottom background-size: contain background-color: white background-image: url(img/opendata-swiss-illustration.png) --- class: imagefill, center, bottom background-size: 100% auto background-image: url(https://www.europeandataportal.eu/sites/default/files/picture_4.png)
--- class: center
--- class: center ![](img/attention-0.svg) --- class: center ![](img/attention-1.svg) --- class: center ![](img/attention-2.svg) --- class: center ![](img/attention-3.svg) --- class: center ![](img/attention-4.svg) --- class: center, middle #### Wie *zugänglich* und *vertrauenswürdig* sind unsere Wissensfilter? --- class: center, middle [![](img/public-domain.png)](https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/pddl/summary/) --- class: center, middle [![](img/opendata_640x120_blue.png)](https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/by/summary/) --- class: center, middle, large “Wissen ist offen, wenn jedeR darauf frei zugreifen, es nutzen, verändern und teilen kann – eingeschränkt höchstens durch Maßnahmen, die Ursprung und Offenheit des Wissens bewahren.."
-- [The Open Definition](http://opendefinition.org/)
--- class: center, middle [
- **Open** up all *essential, public interest information* - Use insights from open information to drive positive **change** - **Build** communities, tools and skills to empower
*individuals and organizations* --- class: imagefill, center, bottom background-size: auto 100% background-position: 50% 50% background-image: url(img/openbudgets.png)
--- class: imagefill background-size: auto 100% background-position: 50% 50% background-image: url(img/opendata-swiss-steuern.png) --- class: center, middle [![](img/opendataswiss_terms_by.svg)](https://opendata.swiss/de/terms-of-use/) --- class: imagefill, center, bottom background-size: 100% auto background-image: url(img/opendata-swiss-terms.png)
--- class: imagefill background-size: auto 100% background-position: 50% 50% background-image: url(img/swisstopo-karte.png) --- class: imagefill, center, bottom background-size: auto 100% background-position: 0 0 background-image: url(img/geoadmin-broadband.jpg)
--- class: imagefill background-color: white background-size: 100% auto background-position: 50% 50% background-image: url(img/opendata-swiss-nationalmap.png) --- class: imagefill background-size: auto 100% background-position: 50% 50% background-image: url(img/meteo-stationen.jpg) --- class: imagefill background-size: auto 100% background-position: 50% 50% background-image: url(img/opendata-swissmetnet.png) --- class: imagefill, center, bottom background-color: white background-size: 100% auto background-position: 0 0 background-image: url(img/ogdhandbook.png)
--- class: imagefill, center, bottom background-size: 100% auto background-image: url(img/ckan-datahub.png)
--- background-color: white class: center, middle [![](img/tblfivestars.jpg)](http://5stardata.info/de/) --- class: center, middle, large *Das Thema Open Data bewegt eine grosse Vielfalt von Akteuren in Behörden, Medien, Firmen und der wachsenden Schweizer Community einzelner Entwickler, Designer und Aktivisten. Die Dynamik ist da, der politische Wille entsteht, den Austausch findet statt.* # Community --- class: imagefill, center, bottom background-size: auto 100% background-position: 50% 50% background-image: url(img/opentransport.png)
--- class: imagefill, center, bottom background-color: white background-size: 100% auto background-position: 50% 50% background-image: url(img/hackopendata.png)
--- class: imagefill, center, bottom background-color: white background-size: 100% auto background-position: 50% 50% background-image: url(img/datacentral.png)
--- class: imagefill, center, bottom background-size: auto 100% background-position: 50% 50% background-image: url(img/schoolofdata.jpg)
--- class: imagefill, center, bottom background-size: 100% auto background-position: 50% 50% background-image: url(img/frictionless.png)
--- class: center, middle, large *"Where there is perfect certainty, there is no information: there is nothing to be said."*
-- [J Soni & R Goodman](http://nautil.us/issue/51/limits/how-information-got-re_invented)
--- class: center, middle, titleslide ### *Thanks for not closing*
This presentation by Oleg Lavrovsky is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License